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The realization of high-quality development is the unification of the history, practice and theory of China's economic and social development, and it is also the main theme in the future stage of our economic and social development。Vocational education is closely connected with the economy, so we must focus on this theme, respond to the situation, move with the situation, and strive to promote the high-quality development of modern vocational education。

To respond to the situation is to see the "general trend" from the "great changes"。To promote the high-quality development of vocational education, we must focus on the "great changes" in today's world and scientifically predict the future "great trends".。

"Great changes" put forward new requirements for vocational education。习近平总书记多次指出,“当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局”。Profound adjustments are taking place in the international landscape and system. The center of gravity of the world economy is shifting faster from west to east. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is reshaping the world。Based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and embark on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist country, we need a large number of top-notch innovative talents and hundreds of millions of high-quality skilled personnel to transform advanced technology and equipment into productive forces。

The "big trend" is a prediction of the upward shift in the hierarchy of vocational education。First, with the rise and application of artificial intelligence, the level of industrial intelligence continues to improve, and the industrial structure appears to be advanced and integrated, and it is inevitable to adjust the hierarchical structure and professional structure of vocational education。Second, due to the rapid economic and social development, the focus of academic education structure has shifted, and expanding the scale of higher vocational education has become a necessity。Thirdly, based on the trend of the development of vocational education in the world, the higher vocational education will be the direction and result of the development of vocational education in our country。To promote the high-quality development of modern vocational education, we must adapt to the "general trend" of shifting the focus of the hierarchy, accelerate the transformation of labor-intensive industries to knowledge - and technology-intensive industries, and help build a strong manufacturing country and a strong quality country。

To move by the trend is to turn the expectation of "great potential" into a vivid practice of "great achievements"。To promote the high-quality development of vocational education, we must seize the historical opportunity of "great potential", face up to the reality gap of "great space", and strive to "great achievements" in the new era.。

"Promising" because it is on the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country,Vocational education shoulders the major task of training more high-quality technical and skilled personnel, skilled craftsmen, and artisans in large countries,It shoulders the important mission of promoting education equity, improving people's ability to find jobs and start businesses, enhancing their ability to get rich, and expanding the middle-income group,It is responsible for providing personalized and diversified growth paths for different social groups。

"Great space" is because at the national level, the top-level design of vocational education is not perfect, the management system is not smooth, and there is still a lot of room for system improvement and system construction.On the social level,There is still prejudice against vocational education,The social status and treatment of technical and skilled personnel need to be improved,There is still much room for improving the external environment of vocational education.At the local level,Deep integration of vocational education into regional development consciousness is insufficient,There is still much room for training talents that local governments can "retain and use" to serve regional economic and social development.At the school level,Some vocational schools are not closely integrated with enterprises and industries, and their school-running characteristics are not distinct,There is still much room for raising the level of education and improving the quality of teaching。

To follow the trend is to promote "big development" with "big reform"。To promote the high-quality development of vocational education, to promote "great development" with "big reform"。

"Big reform" is the strategy of high quality development of vocational education。At present, it is a critical period for vocational education to improve its quality and increase its value,We should not only look at the "big trend" from the "big changes",It is also necessary to turn the expectation of "great achievements" into the vivid practice of "great achievements",We will fully implement the "1234" strategy for vocational education,"1" is the general goal of reshaping the new ecology of vocational education;"2" is to improve the quality and improve the image of two tasks;"3" is to give play to the role of the government, schools and the market;"4" is the implementation of the four paths to enhance attractiveness, enhance soft power, improve hard power, and expand influence。

"Great development" is the specific starting point for the high-quality development of vocational education。Look at vocational education politically,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为根本遵循;从民生上抓职业教育,Efforts should be made to solve the problem of vocational education for the people,Let vocational education become more warm;Planning vocational education in the world,The practical experience of developing vocational education in China is elevated to an institutional model,A "China program" to provide vocational education;From the mechanism and method to gather the heart, overcome difficulties,Anchor the pressing issues of the present,Dredge points, break difficulties, fill breakpoints,Break through, step by step,Enhance the soft power, hard power, attractiveness and influence of vocational education,We will give full play to the role of the government, schools and the market,Focus on the two hard tasks of "improving quality and improving image",Strive to achieve the overall goal of reshaping the new ecology of vocational education。

One hundred years is just the prime of life。Facing the future, we must promote the coordination of ministries, departments and bureaus, and central and local interaction, balance the relationship between the country, the market and individual needs, work together, work in the same direction, promote the high-quality development of modern vocational education, and reflect the new responsibility, achieve new breakthroughs, and show new achievements in the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country。