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Young people are the most active and dynamic force in the whole social force, the hope of the country lies in the young people, the future of the nation lies in the young people, the country prospers when young people are strong, and the country is strong when young people are strong。习近平总书记在今年五四青年节时强调,The majority of young people should inherit and carry forward the May Fourth spirit,Unswervingly listen to and follow the Party,Strive to be a good young person in the new era who has ideals, dares to bear, can bear hardships and is willing to struggle,In promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, we will show our youth actions, highlight the style of youth, and contribute to the strength of youth,Strive to write a responsible youth chapter for Chinese modernization。

Hand in hand, let us follow the footsteps of example, and cultivate more ideal, capable and responsible young people in the new era on the fertile soil of Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry。

Personal profile

Zhang Yuan, a member of the Communist Youth League, majoring in fashion design and technology at Textile and Garment College, Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry。At school, he served as class monitor and league branch secretary, deputy secretary of the League Branch of Textile and Garment College, assistant head teacher, assistant counselor and other positions, and won more than 50 kinds of honors。He is self-supporting and self-disciplined. On the basis of hard study, he constantly improves his political and moral qualities, actively participates in practical activities, strengthens his comprehensive skills, broadens his professional horizon, develops comprehensively, and demonstrates the courage and responsibility of young people in the new era with his practical actions!

Exemplary deeds

Step on the waves at dawn

习近平总书记鼓励当代大学生要志存高远、脚踏实地、行循自然,学好知识,打好基础,增长才干,为中华民族伟大复兴贡献自己的智慧和力量。As a contemporary youth, he understands that young people should bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility given by The Times, cherish their youth, be down-to-earth, let hard learning become the driving force of youth flying, let the growth ability become the energy of youth fighting, sprinkle the sweat on the stage of struggle, and implement the dream into practical action。

In the past three years, his comprehensive performance ranked first in his major, and he won the 2021-2022 National Encouragement Scholarship and 2022-2023 National Scholarship。He has won first-class scholarships for many times, and won the titles of "excellent Student cadre" and "Excellent Communist Youth League Cadre"。Led the class to win the "excellent class collective", "May fourth Red Flag League Branch of the school", "the tenth Sports Meeting of the College Sports Ethics Award" and other honors。

Two, self-improvement and forge ahead

He loves Chinese traditional culture,2023年1月,Together with the instructor, he took part in the 2023 Chinese Bridge Online Group activities with three projects: "Tiger Live - Appreciation and Production of Chinese Cloth Tiger Traditional Handicrafts", "Dazzling Eyes - Appreciation and Production of Chinese Manchu Traditional Handicrafts" and "International Dissemination of Traditional Handicrafts in Northeast China - Taking Chinese network Classroom as an example",He worked as a teaching assistant,Cultural exchange with more than 300 overseas friends,He has taught traditional handicraft teaching projects for representatives from Armenia, the United States, Colombia, Cambodia, Portugal and other countries,Let overseas friends learn Chinese traditional culture,To spread the fine traditional Chinese culture to further areas。In addition, he has cooperated with the teachers of the Textile and Garment College, cooperated with the Xingcheng Swimwear Industry Association, and was invited to participate in the 2023 Northeast Asia (Xingcheng) International Swimwear Expo。

There is a return to pay, every drop of sweat is blooming in the soil of love, and his diligent cultivation makes him harvest。He has won the Gold medal of the 9th "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Liaoning Province, the second prize of the "Challenge Cup" Extra-curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition in Liaoning Province, the first prize of the 7th College Student Art Exhibition in Liaoning Province, the Best Creative Award of Huludao · Xingcheng "Zhenxing Cup" Liaoning School Uniform Design Competition, the Style award of Jinjiang · Yinglin Shangpin International Personal sportswear Design Competition, and Zhongshan District ChuangNew Venture Competition New Designer Brand Competition best new talent Award。

Third, down-to-earth responsibility for the mission

As a new age college student,He actively participates in various practical activities,Do your best,Fight hard,Practice the spirit of volunteer service,More than 200 hours of volunteer service,Go to the grassroots,And put the knowledge learned into practical actions to return home and return to society,He was awarded by the Communist Youth League Committee for the development of cities。

2022年8月,As the team leader, he led the team to participate in the special summer social practice activities of college students in Liaoning Province "Returning to their hometown, loving their hometown and praising their hometown",To "one side embroider frame,To expand the national intangible heritage "as the theme,Lead the team to learn full embroidery from Master Dong Ning, the inheritor of "Xingcheng Manchu Embroidery", an intangible cultural heritage of Liaoning Province, and discuss how to integrate traditional embroidery techniques into modern clothing design。Through the study of the development of Manchu embroidery to help rural revitalization, so that more people understand the Manchu embroidery, so that it goes out, so that it forms a local cultural symbol, promote the development of hometown tourism and textile industry。

Fourth, do not forget the original heart and forge ahead

During the university, he constantly tapped his potential, honed himself, and improved himself, although there are sweat and tears, but the harvest is full and joy。College life forged his resolute character and made him more calm and strong。In the future, there will be twists and turns and challenges in the road of life, but he will sing all the way, break through the obstacles, and continue to write his own beautiful chapter with efforts and struggles。